North Staffs Weather - Audley

 Latitude N 53° 03' 19"    Longitude N 53° 03' 19""    Elevation 140 m

Comparison of today's data with station records

Temperature Today Record
High Temperature 13.1 °C at 01:39  37.5 °C at 17:25 on 18 July 2022
Low Temperature 11.1 °C at 04:59  -9.2 °C at 09:25 on 20 December 2010
Rainfall Today 0.0 mm 49.4 mm on 14 August 2015
Rainfall Rate Max 0.0 mm 00:00 102.7 mm at 05:24 on 04 October 2023
Monthly Rainfall 67.1 mm 171.2 mm February 2020
Highest Gust 3.1 mph 02:13 60.2 mph at 12:20 on 23 February 2017
Highest Speed (10 minute average) 0.9 mph (F1) 29.2 mph at 09:49 on 23 February 2017
High Pressure  1012.4 mb at 07:19 1151.6 mb at 18:18 on 28 May 2024
Low Pressure  1011.2 mb at 03:14 961.6 mb at 06:27 on 02 November 2023

Page updated 20/11/2018 17:29:21
© Sandaysoft 2009
Sandy Software Cumulus software v 194 by Steve Loft