North Staffs Weather - Audley     11.8 °C

Latitude  : N 53° 03' 19"   Sunrise    : 05:19   Moonrise    : 23:33
Longitude : W 02° 18' 04"   Sunset  : 21:11   Moonset  : 13:24
Elevation  : 140 m   Day length : 15:52   Moon  : Waning Gibbous
Welcome to my weather station; situated in Audley UK, midway between Crewe & Stoke-on-Trent. 
The weather station in use is the Fine Offset WH1081, Next update in  seconds.
The meteorological day used at this station ends at midnight.


 Conditions at local time 04:05 on 27 July 2024     
Temperature and Humidity
Temperature  °C (Falling -0.3 °C/hr.) Change in last hour -0.7 °C
Apparent temperature  °C Dew point 10.2 °C
Windchill  °C Humidity %
Rainfall today  mm Rainfall rate  mm/hr
Rainfall last hour  mm Last recorded rain 17:24 25 Jul 2024
Rainfall this month  mm Rainfall this year  mm
Wind speed (gust)  mph Wind speed (avg)  mph
Wind bearing ° Beaufort 
Dominant Direction 261° W Wind Run 0.8 miles
Barometer   mb Steady  mb/hr
:Gauges:Today:This Month:This Year:Monthly Records:Trends:Records:Webcam:

Page updated 27/07/2024 04:05:01 
© Sandaysoft 2008 
powered by Sandy Software Cumulus software v1.9.4 (10992) by Steve Loft