Audley Weather Station

The webcam is looking towards the East, It is a Microsoft LifeCam Studio.
Image capture and processing via YAWCAM.

Current conditions in Audley measured on a Watson WH-1081 weather station

05:10 on 27 July 2024 Sunrise 05:19 Sunset 21:11
Temperature 11.2 °C  Falling -0.6 °C/hr.) Max 13.1 °C Min 11.1 °C
Air Pressure 1011.3 mb Pressure Trend Steady Today's Rain 0.0
Wind Speed 0.1 mph Max. Wind 0.9 mph Av. Wind Direction (10') SSE
 FORECAST  Fine, possible showers

Live Data
:Now::Gauges::Today::This Month::This Year::Monthly Records::Trends::Records::Webcam::Forum:

Page updated 27/07/2024 05:10:02 
© Sandaysoft 2008 
Cumulus software v1.9.4 by Steve Loft